Project Description
All the processes in the dairy sector are becoming more and more automatised. For this reason, the company (thanks to its technicians and some highly qualified external cooperations) can offer its customers tailor–made solutions and greatly automatised machines and installations for the food and dairy industry.
Thanks to its modern equipments and softwares customised for controlling all the production processes, Casearmeccanica Vicentina designs safe and functional automated solutions. These are meant to operate and control every stage of the production process through PLC control panels, switchboards and the use of state-of-the-art components.
Our plant engineering is thought with an eye on transport efficiency – we use AISI 304-316 certified stainless steel pipes.
We also offer an insulating service for the process lines – these are supposed to preserve the product thermal insulation aiming at maintaining all the properties and save energy.
Automatic Forming bench
FEATURES Automatic Forming bench CHEESE SLICER PLUS 750 with draining mat is equipped with a port [...]
C.i.p. automatic washing systems
Details Pre-assembled and non-pre-assembled systems preparing and forwarding to C.I.P. chemical [...]
Milk collection and transportation tanks
Details Complete sets with horizontal tanks having one or more compartments and capacities rangi [...]